With the cannabis industry reaching new heights and breaking records every single day (!), Interest in the products is increasing at the same time. It is no longer just a small niche audience that wants to find out what is cannabis oil, what is CBD or which strain is best for treating insomnia. The whole world is closely following which cannabis products are offered, and this time we will discuss cannabis oil.

What Is Hash Oil
Hash oil, also referred to as hash oil, is very enticing to those who wish to have an extreme experience. The rise of vape pens is also responsible for the growing popularity. No one needs to know what you are vaping, so it is very convenient. However, there is an ongoing debate about their safety at the moment.

We have already explained what hashish is in one of our articles about this marijuana concentrate. Hashish, however, is different from oil. The following instructions for making cannabis oil are not similar to making cannabis - the procedures are quite different. We will also see if it is worth the trouble and what you can use it for.

Without further ado, here's everything you've ever wanted to know about cannabis oil!

What Is Hash Oil?


In short, cannabis oil is another form of concentrated cannabis. A very powerful thick liquid, if we can say so. Basically, to make it an oil, it is a hemp resin combined with some form of solvent (butane, alcohol, petroleum ether, etc.). Therefore, cannabis oil also contains CBD, THC and all the other cannabinoids and terpenes found in the resin. It all depends on the type of oil.

When we talk about it, when it comes to butane hash oil, the inexperienced can end up with a little too much butane in the end product. It is definitely unhealthy, so stick to alcohol solvents if you are not skilled enough.


Hash oil is also known as hashish oil, hemp oil, or honey oil. Obviously the latter got its name because of its golden appearance, but that does not mean that all cannabis oils look so attractive. The names usually refer to the appearance or method of recovery. BHO oil, weed oil, cannabis oil, etc. are other equivalent terms.


The appearance of hash oil varies greatly. From not so attractive dark shades over to golden yellow and even close to pure white. The color depends on the method of extraction, that is, which additives are left out or not. For example, white hash oil is the most purified and strongest weed oil available, even though it has a light yellow color.

The honey variant is self-explanatory, while other types include shades of brown or green. These are usually oils made with alcohol as the main solvent. Alcohol tends to extract some impurities such as chlorophyll, which makes the oil darker. Do not be afraid, as chlorophyll is safe to consume.


Hashish oil is nothing like regular CBD oil. In fact, it may not look like oil at all. Hash oil is very, very dense and adheres to everything with which it comes into contact. It can ruin clothes and stick to most things it comes in contact with. The only thing that takes it off the skin or the countertop is said to be 91% isopropyl alcohol or a similar solvent.

How to Make Hash Oil

Even this "simple" process is far from being a piece of (hash) cake, as it can even be potentially dangerous. Nevertheless, the end result is more than satisfactory. Those who master skills in cannabis oil production can even get rid of the solvent and end up with a pure concentrate.

Safety First

Before you start any experiments, remember that making cannabis oil requires both patience and precautions. Do not speed up the process, and remember that it is better to give up and go to a pharmacy if you think that the instructions below may lead you a little over your head.

When talking about safety, make sure you are familiar with local state laws. Otherwise, you could face a huge penalty for trying to do this alone, or even just consuming it.

How to Make Hash Oil with Alcohol

There are two types of alcohol used for this purpose, hence the two extraction methods:

1.       QWISO method (fast wash isopropyl alcohol)

2.       The QWET method (fast wash ethanol)

At first, the processes look the same, but they differ at some point. Nevertheless, it is important for both of them not to have a source of fire, sparks or heat near alcohol, as well as to keep children and pets in check.

So, this is how it goes.

Step #1

First, for this cannabis oil recipe, you need at least 7 g of premium buds if you are looking for the highest potency. Break the plant parts, but do not drop them! Grinding would only make it more difficult to clean the whole extract later. Even if you want to soak the buds, they should also be as dry as possible before freezing. If they are not dry enough, place them in the oven at 194 . In this way, cannabinoids will lose their acidity and become more psychoactive. If the bud crumbles in your hands, you did it right!

Step #2

To extract hash oil, place the dried buds in a jar with a lid and place in the freezer. Do the same with the selected alcohol. You need a little 2.5 oz / 74 ml for 7 g of cannabis. When the temperature is -62 ° F, add the alcohol to the glass with the knobs so that they are covered by alcohol by about an inch. Let it rest for a while (depending on alcohol).

Step #3

This is where all kinds of alcohol go their distinct ways:

Stir the mixture for 20 seconds by using the QWISO (fast wash isopropyl alcohol) process and then strain to extract the marijuana oil.

The QWET method (quick wash ethanol) requires that you stir the mixture gently, put it in the freezer, and after 3 minutes stir it again a couple of times. Then strain the mixture.

Step #4

Strain can be done with a simple coffee filter if you have nothing else (vacuum and laboratory filters, resin drying screens, etc.). You can repeat the process if you want extra purity.

Step #5

When you get the filtered solution, place the tray in a water bath. What is familiar with cannabis oil, you can already see here. You will see the gorgeous color you wanted. The water temperature should be approximately 158–176 ºC and spread evenly so that bubbles occur. The alcohol will evaporate quickly. Alternatively, you can leave the dish in the sun for the alcohol to evaporate.

Step #6

When the alcohol disappears completely, you should be left with the final product. A sticky substance you can use as you wish (more on this later)!

How to Make Hash Oil with Butane

First, it is not as complicated as you might think. Just follow the instructions carefully, and you will be safe, healthy and tall.

Safety First

When the time comes for you to actually use butane, you need to do it outside. Why do so many accidents happen indoors? This is because butane is heavier than oxygen, and after using it, it will linger around the stove for a while if you are indoors. And your body. Get the picture? To make cannabis oil safe, do it outside where butane can evaporate faster. Else…

Step #1

For this you do not need the glass jar, but a kind of plastic, metal or glass tube (make sure you handle it with a towel - it gets hot and messy). It should be large enough to hold half an ounce (14 g).

At one end you should make a hole. This is where the butane nozzle should go. On the other hand, make five small holes so that the THC oil can be poured into the dish. Have dried marijuana in the tube, and a coffee filter on the inside of the lid.

Step #2

If your room has all the requirements (outdoor, clean, without obstacles or open fire), it's time to learn how to make hash oil using this method.

Take the tube and hold it a few centimeters above the barrel where the oil should go. Then place the butane gas nozzle directly into the top hole and dispense the gas. The dose can be about ten ounces of liquid (300 ml / 10 oz) for this amount of pot.

Step #3

Butane and the hash oil extract will do their job. You should get the light yellow or greenish liquid at the bottom. Typically, the procedure takes a few minutes.

Step #4

When you notice that it falls for a few seconds, it is time to end the recovery process. Butane will almost be used, so tap or blow gently into the tap hole to push the last butane out.

Step #5

Now let the butane evaporate from the dish. You can do this by letting it happen naturally, or holding the dish in your hands to warm it up. To speed up the process, you can put the dish in hot water.

Finally, scrape the finished product off the dish. Learning to make butane hash oil is not that difficult if you follow the instructions carefully.

To sum up, no matter which method you go for, you can store the end product in a vial. Also remember that cannabis oil loses its strength over time, even when stored in the best possible way. After a year of proper handling, it can hardly be at its finest.

How to Smoke Hash Oil

Can this oil be eaten? Sure, you can add it to marijuana foods. However, it may be easier to smoke or evaporate. Here are some ways to do this, but keep in mind that moderation is the key, and it is not necessary to participate in dismal smoking statistics:

Joint - the good old fashioned way. Just add a small amount (a few drops) to the pre-rolled joint, add a little more weed, roll it and light it up!

Bong - When smoking cannabis oil, it is best to use a smaller bong than you normally use. Remember that this marijuana wax is very potent. A small drop of oil on top of the marijuana in the bowl should be sufficient. Make sure that the fire is close to the concentrate, but do not touch it. The heat will cause the oil to bubble and you will get the height you wanted. Finally, let the heat consume oil and cannabis as well.

Dab rig - a very popular method today for smoking cannabis oil. Take a small, tiny drop of oil and place it on the end of the dab (basically 1 millimeter away from it). Burn the nail until it is red hot and set it aside. Allow the nail to cool so that you get the best temperature to feel all the terpenes and cannabinoids from the oil. Apply the oil from dabs on the inside of the nail. Inhale, exhale and enjoy! BHO (butane hash oil) is often dabbed.

Vaping - the hash oil gun appears to be a gift from the gods. It is so discreet and easy to fill. There are many pens and cartridges on the market so you can choose. Don't overdo it, however, especially before the last cases of vape lung disease are resolved. The CDC reports that there have been 450 cases across 33 states. Five people have died so far, and the exact cause has not yet been discovered. Whether hash oil vape disease exists or not will soon be revealed.

THC Percentage

The reason why most people are interested in using cannabis oil in the first place is due to the high THC content. Back in the day, in the 1970s, cannabis oil used only 10% to 30% THC. However, the THC content has increased over the years in common strains, let alone concentrates. For this reason, you can today find THC oil that has 80% or even 90% THC.

Hashish Oil Effects

Of course, the very first association becomes extremely high. Like some other focus, hash oil has a potent influence on our body. However, there are also some side effects, which can include:

1.       Anxiety

2.       Paranoia

3.       Red eyes

4.       Munchies

5.       Sleepiness

6.       Dry mouth

7.       Hallucinations

8.       Memory problems

9.       Increased heart rate

10.   Widening of blood vessels, etc.

Must read: CBD Oil Usage in Treatment of Cancer

As you can see, it is a pretty list that contains all the disadvantages of high THC content.

What is good cannabis oil, on the other hand, can be explained in one sentence: it is good with a high THC percent for all situations that are treated with full-spectrum CBD oil. Hash oil contains CBD, THC, various terpenes and many other cannabinoids. If your body responds well to THC, you can use the oil to:

1.       Nyctalopia

2.       Relieve pain

3.       Fight insomnia

4.       Fight inflammations

5.       Boost the immune system

6.       Feel cannabis benefits faster

7.       Reduce Alzheimer’s symptoms

8.       Decrease depression and anxiety

9.       Reduce cancer-related symptoms

10.   Prevent seizures, etc.

There are many benefits to cannabis oil, but only if you can tolerate high THC concentrations and if you use it responsibly. Otherwise, you may end up wondering why in the world you would want to do something like dip cannabis oil. No one has yet died from marijuana overdose, but the feeling of taking in too much cannabis is far from pleasant.

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Final Words

It seems like people still discover new ways to consume cannabis and add a chapter to the enjoyable and fascinating past of cannabis. Hash oil is undoubtedly used primarily for the euphoric feeling it creates, although it also has medicinal benefits. How it is with cannabis oil in the future remains to be seen. Maybe a new recovery method will appear, or a new way to consume it. No matter what happens, we make sure you are the first to know!